To create your business account, you can follow these simple steps:
Your Lama Business account is now created. To have access to all features and services, remember to verify your account.
Every incorporated business registered in any of the EEA countries can open a Lama business account. Nevertheless, we only provide EUR accounts to the following countries:
We are not currently available in the following countries:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our support team at
We are working hard to expand all Lama services to more countries as soon as possible.
If you did not receive a verification code, verify that you have entered the correct email address/ Phone number, if it is correct, click on the ‘Send again’ option for a new code.
Make sure to check on the Junk or spam folder; you can also use a different email/phone number.
If the error persists, feel free to contact our Lama Business Support at for assistance.
Identity and business verification are required to use your Lama Business account.
Identity verification is required by law to prevent fraud and to keep you safe from potential identity theft. This process is commonly known as ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) or ‘Customer Due Diligence’ (CDD).
After opening a Lama business account, you can only use the services and features after we have established your identity via the Lama Web-App by collecting personal information and verifying your official identity documents, such as passports and national identity cards, also your official business documents. See Lama’s privacy policy to see how we handle your data.
To verify your account, you can follow these simple steps:
Lama is required by law to verify its customer’s identity and company records. Identity verification and screening are done through our service providers. Although we do our best to provide the best service in our class, we are restricted by the speed and processing ability of our partners, who may sometimes experiences disruptions or delays. In such cases, we aim to provide status updates in our website to keep our customers informed. Personal information is processed by our partners according to our privacy policy.
Please review all verification stages and requirement screen of anyone is pending or missing any actions from director/s, shareholder/s, or UBOs and have this updated.
If all stages are completed, please note that business account verification can take up to 7 business days since you applied for a verification of your business account.
If it has already been more than 7 business days and your account verification status has remained unchanged, please feel free to contact our business support team. Please have all information related to your account ready when you contact Lama business support at
Lama operates a regulated service and is required to establish and verify the identity of its customers before allowing access to its financial services. If your business account verification has been rejected and your account has been blocked, it may be that the information you submitted in the Web-App did not pass the verification required to meet our regulatory compliance obligations. Under such circumstances, we will not be able to offer you access to our services.
We aim to have the business verification process completed as fast as possible – within a few minutes under normal circumstances, but it may also take up to seven (7) business days in some cases. In extreme cases where the throughput is large, i.e. when there is a surge in verifications, it may delay the automated process. In other cases, additional information may be required to complete the verification process. Our support team will reach out to you when such additional information is required for you to complete the verification process.
You do not need to contact the Lama support team if it has only been less than 7 business days since you applied for a verification of your account.
Please confirm the email address intended to receive the link is correctly spelled. If a mistake was made you can have it removed and re-entered with the correct information.
If all information is correct, you can have the verification link resend to the desired email address, request them to check on their spam and junk mail folders if still not received in their primary inbox.
Please note that company domain emails may have restrictions sometimes to receive external emails, in these cases, you will be required to get in contact with your company’s IT department for assistance and then resend the verification link.
Kindly keep in mind that there is a character limit on each slot for your address. Therefore, you will need to make sure to add each section of your address in the correct slot when typing your address for your account verification.
For your reference, here are the character limits per slot that you will need to consider:
Please note that Lama is currently servicing fiat accounts only in the following countries:
Please note that if you are not a resident of the above listed countries you will not qualify for fiat services, Visa cards included. Nevertheless, you can always use your Lama account with any of the cryptocurrencies we service.
Cryptocurrency services are provided by Lama EU, the trading name of LamaTechnology FS UAB, a company registered in Lithuania (Company Registration Number: 305833209). LamaTechnology FS UAB is registered as a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) with the Lithuanian Register of Legal Entities for cryptocurrency services. These services are supervised by the Lithuanian Financial Crime Investigation Service (FCIS) under anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CTF) regulations but are not regulated by the Bank of Lithuania. Your e-money account and related payment services are provided by OpenPayd Financial Services Malta Limited (Company Number: C 75580), which is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) as a Financial Institution.
Trading and holding digital currencies involve a high level of risk, including price volatility and potential loss of funds. Cryptocurrency values can be highly volatile and may drop to zero, and past performance is not indicative of future results. These services are not covered by deposit insurance schemes, and Lama EU does not provide investment advice or financial recommendations. Additionally, Lama EU does not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of any information, including pricing and exchange rates. While cryptocurrency services remain subject to AML/CTF supervision by the Lithuanian FCIS, they are not regulated by the Bank of Lithuania or any other financial regulator in Lithuania.