Currently on Lama you can buy and/or sell all the following currencies:
To buy or sell cryptocurrencies or exchange, follow these steps:
When you are exchanging currencies using our Web-App exchange feature, you can only exchange your available balance. This balance is different from your total balance. The available balance subtracts the applicable fees from your total balance. In other words, the maximum amount you can exchange is the amount shown in the Web-App with the fees already deducted from your total balance.
Please also keep in mind that your available balance needs to meet the required minimum exchange amount, which will be displayed on your screen, but for your reference here are some examples:
Exchanging currencies within the Lama business Web-App will have an applicable Lama fee based on your selected account plan + a trade fee (or pair price difference). The trade fee is used to cover the rapid market volatility, maintaining a more stable price conversion despite the currency market fluctuation.
Note that there is no set spread, even if the same two assets are being exchanged. The spread changes based on liquidity and market conditions all the time. All fees are indicated for you to see and confirm before you approve the exchange.
The required minimum exchange amounts are the following:
Cryptocurrency services are provided by Lama EU, the trading name of LamaTechnology FS UAB, a company registered in Lithuania (Company Registration Number: 305833209). LamaTechnology FS UAB is registered as a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) with the Lithuanian Register of Legal Entities for cryptocurrency services. These services are supervised by the Lithuanian Financial Crime Investigation Service (FCIS) under anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CTF) regulations but are not regulated by the Bank of Lithuania. Your e-money account and related payment services are provided by OpenPayd Financial Services Malta Limited (Company Number: C 75580), which is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) as a Financial Institution.
Trading and holding digital currencies involve a high level of risk, including price volatility and potential loss of funds. Cryptocurrency values can be highly volatile and may drop to zero, and past performance is not indicative of future results. These services are not covered by deposit insurance schemes, and Lama EU does not provide investment advice or financial recommendations. Additionally, Lama EU does not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of any information, including pricing and exchange rates. While cryptocurrency services remain subject to AML/CTF supervision by the Lithuanian FCIS, they are not regulated by the Bank of Lithuania or any other financial regulator in Lithuania.