The risk of loss in trading or holding Digital Currencies and Cryptocurrencies can be substantial.
As with any asset, the value of cryptocurrencies can go up or down (and can even drop to zero), may be very volatile and there can be a substantial risk that you lose money buying, selling, holding, or investing in digital currencies and cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrency services are not currently regulated by the Bank of Lithuania or any other regulator in Lithuania. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital currencies or cryptocurrencies is suitable for you in light of your own financial situation and attitude to risk, as evaluated by you carefully. We do not make any representations or recommendations regarding the advisability or otherwise of trading in digital currencies and cryptocurrencies or any particular transaction.
We cannot and do not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of any information (whether pricing, exchange rate or otherwise) provided in connection with any digital currency or cryptocurrency or your holding or trading of or in the same.
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Crypto and traditional currencies in a single app.